Saturday, September 8, 2012

Reading the New 52: Issue #1 Justice League of America

Issue #1: Justice League of America

by Geoff Johns, Jim Lee and Scott Williams (Am I supposed to know who did what by the order in which their names appear? Writer, penciller, inker. I have a lot to learn.)

Cover art: I assume this is the team.

Story: Apparently this book is set in a time when goverments were hunting down people with super powers. That's a bit... X-men, as far as plots go, but it's not unreasonable. People with superpowers are totally a threat.

There's more than one Green Lantern? I did not know this.

So Green Lantern (or, I guess, A Green Lantern) and Batman are fighting some mystery alien. Green Lantern quizzes Batman about his powers.

Ha ha. He totally is! That is what makes Batman so cool, though. He doesn't actually have superpowers. He has wealth and gadgets and peak human conditioning and issues.

And then there's a cut to... a high school kid playing football? This is the Justice League of America. Amurrca. The team's motto is "Hustle, Hit, Never Quit." The kid's dad didn't show for the game. Nobody's dad ever does, in fiction. His dad is too busy studying superhumans. This bodes well.

Meanwhile, Green Lantern and Batman pick a fight with Superman. As one does. My favourite (so far) interpretation of Superman is Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. I had a crush on Lex Luthor as a kid.

See? John Shea as Lex Luthor. Don't tell me you wouldn't.

Anyway...that's it. The book ends with a picture of the team, which includes Aquaman and Wonder Woman, and also the kid from the football field, Vic Stone, in some kind of wild silver armor. Spoilers!

Keep or Drop: Keep.

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